You Can Do It! Stay on Track with Your Financial Goals Did you set any financial goals or resolutions for the new year? If so, each month is the perfect time to see if you’re staying on track with your financial goals. Set SMART goals Hopefully, you set goals that were SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable,…
Read MoreAs 2019 draws to a close, many of us are looking toward the new year with big plans and aspirations. Carry this excitement over to your finances, too! Set financial goals in the new year to build a stronger financial future for you and your family. The previous year is history. You cannot go back…
Read MoreOne of life’s certainties is that it is uncertain, right? Life can throw a curveball in the form of a lost job, vehicle or home repair, health costs, or emergency travel, just to name a few. When these events occur, they can create havoc for a family’s financial stability. However, planning ahead and being familiar…
Read MoreReimbursement for Relicensing & Certification Fees for Military Spouses The Department of Defense (DoD) recognizes the challenges many military spouses face maintaining a career while moving every few years. So, the DoD introduced the National Defense Authorization Acts of 2018 and 2020, which allow each branch of service to reimburse military spouses for qualified relicensing…
Read MoreBack to School on a Budget It’s back to school time! And while parents may be breathing a collective sigh of relief, it might be a different story when it comes to their wallets. According to a recent survey, families with school-age children spent on average almost $700 in 2019 to equip their kids for…
Read MorePost-9/11 GI Bill Transferability Rules Significant changes were made to the transferability rules for the Post-9/11 GI Bill, which were to become effective in July 2019. However, the Pentagon recently delayed these changes until Jan. 12, 2020. It is important to act now if these changes impact you and your family. Transfer Post-9/11 GI Bill…
Read MoreAs military spouses, we know firsthand how challenging it can be to stay competitive in the workforce. Staying competitive could mean we juggle completing a degree, training or license while taking care of our families. Periodic moves followed by job searches in new locations often complicate our career goals. Money for Professional Pursuits Fortunately, the…
Read MoreThe Post-9/11 GI Bill is a great benefit for Service members and their families to help pay for college, a certification, or other types of training. The active duty or selected reserve Service member must transfer GI Bill benefits to his or her spouse and/or dependents while actively serving. New rules went into effect January…
Read MoreMay 10, 2019 May 10 is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. So, this month, MilSpouse Money Mission™ is honoring military spouses for their service and sacrifice at home with the top 10 reasons to love and appreciate military spouses. Military spouses keep their families moving in the right direction. On average, military families move every two…
Read MoreThe Blended Retirement System: By now, many military spouses have heard a great deal about the new Blended Retirement System, also called BRS. This system went into effect Jan. 1, 2018. It is important to know that it does not affect everyone the same way. Even if the BRS does not apply to you directly,…
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