You don’t need to wait until January to take a fresh look at your finances. Get a jump on the new year with these five resolutions — they can really pay off over the next 12 months. 1. Set/update your budget Setting a budget is the first step in a military family’s financial planning. And…
Read MoreAs MilSpouses, we are often asked to shoulder a big load of responsibility. When partners deploy or work long hours, managing career and home responsibilities — especially finances — can fall on us. May 10 is Military Spouse Appreciation Day, and we pause to honor your unwavering support, strength and resiliency in all you do…
Read MoreFew things are more annoying than that “potential spam” call that pops up on your phone or when you answer a call to hear a recorded voice trying to get information from you. We’ve learned to adapt by ignoring the calls or hanging up. But when job hunting, you’re often eager to answer all calls…
Read MoreMilitary Relief Societies If you find yourself dealing with an emergency that brings with it unexpected expenses, financial support is available. Four military relief societies stand ready to help. Types of Support Army Emergency Relief Society, Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, Air Force Aid Society and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance provide no-interest loans, grants and many…
Read MoreMay 10, 2019 May 10 is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. So, this month, MilSpouse Money Mission™ is honoring military spouses for their service and sacrifice at home with the top 10 reasons to love and appreciate military spouses. Military spouses keep their families moving in the right direction. On average, military families move every two…
Read MoreInterviewing can be a nerve-wracking experience for the most seasoned worker. The process can be especially challenging for military spouses who also have to deal with frequent moves and finding a job wherever the military moves them. Here are five tips to help you excel at your next job interview. Be Prepared This is your…
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