You don’t need to wait until January to take a fresh look at your finances. Get a jump on the new year with these five resolutions — they can really pay off over the next 12 months. 1. Set/update your budget Setting a budget is the first step in a military family’s financial planning. And…
Read MoreDuring National Veterans and Military Families Month in November, we salute the strength of our families as they support the mission of our community. MilSpouses, especially, display determination as they face the challenges of military life. We see you navigate frequent moves, deployments and often raising children as a solo parent. We understand your motivation…
Read MoreIt can be fun and even eye-opening to watch those year-end montages reminiscing about the year. If you ever have that moment when you say to yourself, “Wait, that was this year?”, you could also imagine how easy it could be to lose track of the goals and financial plans you set in motion when…
Read MoreLove. Communication. Money. Three of life’s essential ingredients. On this Valentine’s Day, consider connecting with your significant other in a meaningful way on these topics. Here’s what I like to do. Whether we go out to dinner or stay home for Valentine’s Day, I make a point of telling my husband what I love about…
Read MoreAt a glance, dinner and a spreadsheet may seem like an odd paring. Afterall, how many of you plan a date night to talk about money? Well, I’m here to say it’s something my husband and I do regularly, and for other MilSpouses — like Tate from Fort Benning, GA — it’s not so strange.…
Read MoreWhy MilSpouses Should Save for Retirement The Defense Department offers eligible service members retirement benefits to prepare for their transition, but it’s also just as important for military spouses to plan for their own retirement. With frequent relocations and job changes, it is often difficult for military spouses to consistently save for retirement. Here are…
Read MoreHave you ever had the feeling that your hard-earned money seems to vanish into thin air? Well, it isn’t just disappearing. It’s going somewhere! A budget will help you get a handle on where it’s going. Knowing exactly where your dollars are going is the first step to understanding your current financial situation and taking…
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